Op-Ed: Who is really running the republic?
- William Haupt III | The Center Square contributor
…..When President Joe Biden speaks, it’s hard not to recall President Abraham Lincoln’s famous refrain, “you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” As we watch our nation continue to implode, it’s critical we solve the mystery: who is in charge in Washington?
Since the DNC obviously won’t let Biden appear in public without his shadow Vice President Kamala Harris, Americans should be deeply concerned who is running their republic?
In 2006 when the DNC needed to revitalize their electorate, John Kerry came up with a plan to bury the GOP for decades and steal the hearts of the liberal media.
He handpicked a little known party loyalist from the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama, for their Democratic candidate in the 2008 election.
Since Obama’s only claim to fame was his work as an ethnic community organizer in Chicago, he needed a crash course in U.S. government. So, John Kerry chose longtime Washington political insider, leftist Susan Rice, to tutor him. And she cloned him into a leftist Beltway hack.
“Nobody knows everything. Not even me. I learn something new everyday.”
– Barack Obama
Outspoken loose cannon Susan Rice, who had no political background, began her political career as a National Security consultant and Secretary of African affairs under President Bill Clinton. She was not only assigned to train Obama, but was ordered to stick with him like glue while he was in office.
An aggressive opportunist, Rice rose quickly through the progressive ranks. Obama made her his Secretary to the UN.
In 2013, he appointed her National Security Adviser, making her one of the key figures in Washington. That high profile position exposed her tactlessness and arrogance.
In late 2020, over 200 progressive black women activist leaders wrote a letter to Biden’s campaign mandating he choose a black woman as a running mate if he was nominated. They scribed, “It is time that black women are appointed to the highest positions in the federal government today.”
Biden and the DNC, hungry for a victory, also felt having any black woman on the ticket would bring out the black voters that had remained home in 2016. After months of looking under every rock in America for a black woman candidate, Biden had two finalists: Senator Kamala Harris, and Susan Rice.
With many politically savvy black women in America such as Condoleezza Rice, Vivian Childs, and Candace Owens, Harris and Susan Rice were the least qualified to be VP. This proved that the left has no concern for America since Biden is stumbling daily and his VP could be the president any day!
Susan Rice’s record made her unelectable. She claimed the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans was in response to an internet video when it was a planned terror attack.
She helped release five terrorists from Gitmo. A grand jury investigation found Susan Rice used her office to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016.
She also unmasked key American security informers. She defended the Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who was convicted of desertion while he was stationed in Afghanistan!
Although the DNC was not pleased with Harris’s personal and political baggage, or Susan Rice’s pious rudeness and use of “off color language,” they reluctantly told Biden to choose Harris. Rice’s record and her guttural crassness were non-presidential, and they had much bigger plans for her.
While UN diplomats and U.S. officials who dealt with Susan Rice felt she had learned a great deal about foreign policy “theory” at Stanford, she won no popularity contests with foreign dignitaries or UN diplomats.
The UN Security Council claimed she was “undiplomatic, uncouth, and disrespectful.”
“These f****ing people we’re dealing with will never get the f****ing big picture right!”
– Susan Rice
Rice grew up in Washington D.C. hoping to be the first black woman senator in Congress. Step father Alfred Fitt, an attorney at the Congressional Budget Office, helped her gain prominence in Washington. She became known as a “merciless go-to” dedicated beltway progressive Democrat.
John Kerry also grew up in Washington, D.C. He’s been an insider for his party since 1982. It was Kerry who brought Susan Rice with him into the Obama Camp to assimilate Obama into the leftist Washington “good ol boys club.” Both Kerry and Rice steered the Obama regime for eight years.
It is no secret that Joe Biden’s entire administration is made up of Obama retreads. That was the plan by the DNC long before he was gifted the nomination. The same two key players who helped to snowball Obama though eight disreputable years in the oval office are babysitting Joe Biden and VP Harris as well.
Kerry and Rice influenced Obama to reorientate the progressive electorate from union members, ethnic minorities, and less educated blue collar workers to more affluent constituencies.
These young liberal white-collar professionals were influenced by liberal teachers and universities to support programs such as Obamacare, the climate hoax, redistribution of wealth and class envy.
Plato said, “The measure of a man is what he does with power.” Today Biden is a fading shell of a moderate who was against busing, supported strict incarceration, against federally funded abortion and affirmative action.
Again, it is Rice who was assigned the duty to baby-sit Biden and orchestrate progressive policy for him. Additionally, she has the dubious honor to reinvent the very unpopular, under-qualified, Kamala Harris.
Biden’s transformation from moderate liability to a card-carrying progressive was well planned and executed by a consortium of Washington insiders headed by John Kerry and Susan Rice.
They will continue to prop Biden up and feed him cue cards until his surrogate in training, VP Kamala Harris, is ready to assume command. This will give them another progressive marionette for eight years.
Rice leads the group of key D.C. progressives, including John Kerry, Valerie Jarrett, Janet Yellen, Avril Haines and Ron Klain, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Secretary Antony Blinken.
They will force progressive policy on America as long as the GOP allows them to run Washington.
Richard Grenell, the former acting director of National Intelligence under President Trump, said in an interview with CPAC that he believes Susan Rice has assumed the role of a “shadow president.”
Rice, who served as national security adviser under President Obama, was tapped by President Biden to take charge of the White House Domestic Policy Council. It is in that role that Grenell believes she is exerting her influence.
“Biden is too weak to stop the progressive left from taking over… [Vice President] Kamala [Harris] does not understand what’s going on…We have a shadow president in Susan Rice and no one is paying attention,” he said.
Rice is one of the many officials from the Obama administration that landed jobs in the Biden White House. There was speculation that she would be his running mate and when that never materialized, secretary of state.
She is among the wealthiest individuals in the Biden White House, with a net worth estimated to be at least $37.9 million, according to the Wall Street Journal. She resigned last December from her role as a member of the board of directors at Netflix.
Grenell was interviewed by Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, Mercedes Schlapp, his wife and former White House director of strategic communications for the Trump administration.
He said that it is apparent that Biden’s effort to placate the far-left in his party while dealing with significant foreign policy concerns is leading to more headaches.
He said Rice’s expertise is in foreign policy, not domestic policy. He called her appointment a signal that “all of our foreign policy will be treated like domestic policy.”
“The foreign policy mess that they are creating is a mess because they are placating the far-left domestically,” he said. (Grenell predicted in January that he believed Rice would be calling the shots.)
So, who is this Susan Rice? To a lot of you, the name sounds familiar. However,as time passes we tend to forget about people and move on to the next thing dominating the national news.
For more than a year, Democratic lawmakers and like-minded advocates have pleaded with Joe Biden to create a “gun czar” to address the epidemic of violence.
Each time, the president’s team pushed back with force, contending it has the perfect person already in place, someone with command over the issue and extraordinary access to the president himself.
That person is Susan Rice.
As director of the Domestic Policy Council, Rice leads a team of roughly a dozen staffers examining ways to push through modest gun reforms should Congress again falter, and explore new executive orders even if lawmakers succeed.
Her ascendence to the role of point person on guns marks the latest chunk of policy turf over which she has claimed jurisdiction, joining a sprawling portfolio that stretches from policing and racial justice to student loan debt, immigration and health care policy, including a prime piece of protecting abortion rights.
The scope of her fiefdom is as remarkable as how she managed to secure it.
Having shunned a public-facing role, Rice has relied on a combination of internal maneuvering and bureaucratic know-how to place herself at the nerve center of some of the fiercest debates in Washington. And she’s further cemented her status with the president in the process.
Rice and Biden meet multiple times a week. As the president prepared for his recent prime-time address on guns, she joined him on several occasions in his residence. Senior aides say Biden’s trust in her is so profound that she can see him whenever she needs to.
“I’ve seen it,” a recently departed senior White House official said of the relationship. “You see it in the meetings. You see how he talks about her in meetings even when she’s not around.”
In interviews with 21 current and 13 former White House and administration staffers, along with two dozen officials on Capitol Hill and from across the party and advocacy worlds, Rice is described as an underappreciated political operator, a pragmatist consumed with putting points on the board, and a process obsessed micromanager. She personally goes through and edits her staff’s typos in the memos they draft.
Rice’s elevated stature in the West Wing has come with fierce loyalty from colleagues and praise so superlative-laden that it borders on deification.
More recently, it has led to speculation inside the White House that she will succeed Ron Klain should he leave the chief of staff post.
Rice has privately told people in recent days that she has no interest in the job, describing herself as a policy person at heart.
“There is a reason that she is the only person in American history to have led both the White House’s National Security Council and its Domestic Policy Council,” Klain said. “She has unique talents, intellect, and determination to get results.”
But her style has also irritated lawmakers and high-ranking officials on Capitol Hill. To some former colleagues and outside advocates, Rice has come to personify a kind of risk-averse, incremental approach to policy-making that they fear falls far short of addressing the country’s needs — and will ill-serve Democrats in the midterms and elections beyond.
“Rice is seen as a domestic policy lightweight and a block to any good things that happen to cross her desk,” said the leader of one progressive organization, who asked to withhold their name out of fear of angering Rice and the White House. “So, everybody who wants to do big things has a vested interest in her desk being as empty as possible.”
Regardless of one’s views on her, Rice’s rise resembles one of the great tales in modern politics. She was too hot to touch even for some in her own party by the end of the Obama years, having become the chief protagonist in Republicans’ investigations into the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
…..In less than two years time, she’s become one of the more influential domestic policy operatives of her generation, sparking another question: What will be her encore?
“I’ve been in the Cabinet. I’ve been national security adviser, I’ve been domestic policy adviser. I feel pretty good about my professional trajectory. And if I leave government and never come back, and do other things that challenge me in different ways, that’s good,” Rice said in a rare interview.
“If I feel a need to come back, and there’s a role I think I can contribute to and I’m excited about doing it, I leave open that possibility, too,” she added. “I honestly haven’t answered for myself the question of … is this the last thing I want to do in government or not? And I don’t feel any sense of urgency to answer that.”
Rice is a creature of Washington. She grew up in the nation’s capital and was the valedictorian at her private girls’ school there before attending Stanford University and becoming a Rhodes Scholar.
International affairs always seemed to be her calling. During the Clinton years, she served on the National Security Council.
And when Barack Obama was elected, she moved to New York to become U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She was poised to be Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State to replace Hillary Clinton but withdrew from consideration amid fear the confirmation process would become a vehicle for relitigating Benghazi.
Even before the 2020 vice president search, her foreign policy experience was still being sought: Rice helped informally advise a handful of Democratic presidential candidates running in the primary, including Vice president Harris, taking their frequent calls and responding to questions about national security.
The idea for her to take all that history and pivot to domestic policy was first broached in conversations during the Biden transition about what type of role she could conceivably play, either in the Cabinet or elsewhere in the White House.
The concerns were obvious. She had three decades of experience in international affairs. There would be a learning curve. But those who’ve worked closely with her viewed Rice as possessing the right skill set.
“The most important element of this job is the ability to move the process within the government and that is the hardest part. That is the part that requires the most experience and expertise,” said Cecilia Muñoz, who headed the DPC (Domestic Policy Council) under Obama, helped lead the Biden transition and spoke with Rice when she considered the position. “This is somebody who was going to have zero learning curve with respect to how to make the process work.”
So, there you have it folks. Who is whispering in Joe Biden’s ear? Susan Rice.