‘Elections have consequences’
By James Poplar
Shortly after his 2009 inauguration, newly-elected President Obama met with congressional Republicans about his economic proposals. Infamously, he told them that “elections have consequences,” and, in case there was any doubt, he added, “I won.” He was right on both counts.
So, the election results are in.
What exactly does this mean and how will this shape our future? For starters, Kevin McCarthy laid out his plans when he takes the gavel as speaker of the House from the incumbent Nancy Pelosi.
“On the very first day, we’ll repeal the 87,000 new IRS agents because we think the government should be there to help you, not to go after you.”
This army of IRS agents resulted from the Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” which President Biden signed into law in August. This would grant an $80 billion boost to the IRS over a 10-year period, with more than half of the funds intended to help the agency crack down on tax evasion by hiring tens of thousands of agents that would more than double the agency’s current size.
In addition, McCarthy also promised, “We will become energy independent and focus on energy in America to make the price of gasoline less, the price of home heating less, to make America stronger and the world more secure. We will secure our border, we will make sure we don’t defund the police, but we’ll fund the police.”
“We will go after tackling inflation that Democrats have created,” he said. “We’ll pass a Parents’ Bill of Rights so that parents have a say in their kids’ educations, and then, we’ll hold government accountable so the people have a say in how their money is being spent, and we will eliminate waste.”
For years the Democrat Party has pushed a false narrative of Russian collusion which the Mueller Investigation determined to be unfounded.
The only collusion was between the campaign of Hillary Clinton and Russian political operatives. We also now know that social media, technology companies, and the mainstream media suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story before the last presidential election.
In addition, Mark Zuckerburg acknowledged that Facebook suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election based on a general request from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
By itself, this could have altered the last Presidential election. Additionally, the Democrats impeached President Trump twice in a purely partisan effort to maintain and expand their political power.
So yes, elections “do have consequences” and let’s just hope the Republican Party is up to the challenge of governing and, for once, facing the Democrat party head on.
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist
Last week, the President of the United States, a man whose pathological lying has been ratcheted up to surreal levels lately, gave one of the most transparently toxic partisan speeches in memory.
Biden, quite absurdly, warned that American “democracy” could only survive if the nation functioned under one-party rule. Despite historic early turnouts, the president lied about widespread attacks on voting rights, preemptively engaging in the kind of election denialism he contends is “un-American.” Biden has probably forgotten that virtually every major Democrat was an “election denialist” not only in 2016 but in 2000, as well.
The president then blamed the actions of the mentally ill, drug-addled individual who viciously attacked the husband of Nancy Pelosi on all of MAGAdom — which, according to Democrats, includes everyone who disagrees with any of their positions, including a pro-life movement that’s been around forever.
Biden, who has likely engaged in more blatant executive abuses than any post-war president, leads a party that makes little distinction between “democracy” and its own power, treating any deviation, whether it be by the courts or voters, as illegitimate and “undemocratic” — a word that has been sapped of any real meaning.
This corrosive hyperbole isn’t only found in the rantings of absurd Twitter celebrities or in the desperate, last-ditch campaigning of a cognitively suspect president. Historian Michael Beschloss, a man who imparts his alleged wisdom on the president on a regular basis, warned that the nation was “six days away” from a new GOP dictatorship in which innocent children were at risk of being “arrested and conceivably killed.”
This is not the first time Beschloss has dropped insane hyperbole, not long ago claiming “that we are all in existential danger of having our democracy and democracies around the world destroyed,” and it surely won’t be the last.
Sunny Hostin, a cohost of the popular daytime television show, The View, claimed that white suburban women who backed the GOP were “like roaches voting for Raid.” Hostin is a historical illiterate, perhaps, but surely even she understands that comparing people to bugs is dehumanizing, racist language that would never stand if “white” was replaced by any other identity.
If Tucker Carlson had suggested something similar about anyone, we would be knee-deep in a national conversation, and the Anti Defamation League would be sending all-points bulletins declaring the country at Defcon one.
That was just in the last week.
So, we may have won a battle, but the war rages on. What are our newly elected officials up against?
January 26, 2021
The Attempt to Install a One-Party Oligarchy is Predestined to Fail
By Steve McCann
George Orwell in a letter written in 1944 (5 years prior to the publication of his seminal work 1984) wrote the following:
“There is this fact that the intellectuals are more totalitarian in outlook than the common people. Overall, the English intelligentsia have opposed Hitler, but at the price of accepting Stalin. Most of them are perfectly ready for dictatorial methods, secret police, systemic falsification of history etc. as long as they feel it is on ‘our’ side.”
The current iteration of the American Ruling Class has not only embraced dictatorial methods as a means to their ends but are astonishingly ill-educated thanks to decades of indoctrination rather than education at America’s universities.
This ill-education encompasses not only an inability by the vast majority to reason and generate an original thought but also a breathtaking ignorance of the history of mankind, and a profound inability to comprehend the American experience and citizenry.
The history of the 20th Century is full of examples of nations that have succumbed to one-party tyrannical rule. In all cases these countries share at least one of two common threads.
First, due to global or regional wars, they suffered overwhelming destruction to their societies and economies, opening the door for those espousing Marxism/socialism as a cure for the nation’s ills.
Second, none of these nations had a centuries long history of freedom and self-determination.
The most notable examples of totalitarian one-party rule were Germany and Italy, and currently Russia and China.
The devastating physical and financial destruction of World War I triggered chaos throughout these European nations.
World War II opened the door in China for Mao Zedong to solidify his party’s supremacy as he had been unable to do so in previous internal conflicts.
These hostilities were the catalyst for the rise to power of one-party rule in all these nations under either the banner of Fascism, Nazism or Communism.
Further, none of these nations (and others with dysfunctional impoverished societies that succumbed to one-party rule, such as Cuba) had any meaningful history of being a successful multi-cultural society steeped in freedom and unfettered capitalism.
The United States is not reeling from the aftermath of a devastating war on its soil. Its citizenry is not suffering the effects of a massive depression.
This nation for 245 years has promoted and reveled in individual freedom and free enterprise. As a result, its economy, particularly over the past century is the most successful and dominant in world history.
America is the only country in the annals of mankind that has sanctioned the unrestricted right of the populace to own and bear arms as a bulwark against an oppressive central government. This is not now, nor has it ever been, a nation ripe for the ascension of one-party totalitarian rule.
Thus, the current infatuation with themselves by this nation’s elites is about to run headfirst into a brick wall. Their attempt to transform the United States into their hybrid version of a one-party oligarchy under the banner of a new hybrid of socialism is doomed to failure.
Their psychotic obsession to rid themselves of the threat that Donald Trump posed to their plans has prompted unforced and fatal errors.
The blatant hijacking of the 2020 election using the Chinese Coronavirus as cover. Unabashedly, and with malice, defaming half of the voting citizenry as irredeemable domestic terrorists that must be vanquished.
Accusing nearly 70% of the population of being racists solely because of their skin color. Unable to control themselves and within hours of having assumed control of Congress and the White House, plunging headfirst into uncharted political overreach through an avalanche of Executive Orders.
These actions reveal a mindless faction in the process of imitating the final scenes in The Wizard of Oz drawing back the green curtain exposing their true colors, character and incompetence.
The vast majority of the denizens of the Ruling Class are not the best and brightest. They are mere hangers-on who have an insatiable need to be considered part of the in-crowd.
While many have framed elite university diplomas hanging on their walls, they are nearly devoid of what used to be generically known as common sense.
Their most prominent personal characteristics are self-importance and greed.
Their espousal of Marxism/socialism is self-serving as this philosophy empowers an omnipotent ruling class or oligarchy. Yet, they could not survive a week in those repressive societies they glorify and wish to inflict upon on the rest of the country.
When confronted with their failures they invariably blame others and are, for the most part, moral and physical cowards. They will not stand up to an organized and determined citizenry.
Therefore, Americans must now mobilize to not just win skirmishes but to permanently dispatch these foolish megalomaniacs who have declared their determination to transform America and create a one-party oligarchy.
The time has come for unfettered and peaceful civil disobedience as espoused by Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
The vast majority of Americans need to stop watching and reading the mainstream and social media and instead search out and support alternative news sources.
The citizens of each state must mobilize and demand that unlawful or illegal edicts and Executive Orders coming from Washington must be ignored by the individual state governors and not just challenged in the courts.
The citizenry needs to forcefully and immediately concentrate on changing and codifying election laws in all the state legislatures. Further, the focus in future elections should not be on Congress but rather governorships and state legislatures throughout the country.
It is imperative that the people vote in the congressional primaries as if they were the general election in order to dispatch to the ash heap elected officials that aided and abetted the election fraud of 2020, the second impeachment of Donald Trump and any legislation advancing the tyrannical agenda of the Ruling Class.
Lastly, various elements of the populace need to stop falling prey to the not-so-subtle message put forth by various elements of the mainstream and social media monopoly that all is lost, and the left has won the war to transform the nation. They have not and will not.
Pessimism and defeatism are what the ruling elites are counting on. Confidence and a willingness to fight for this country is a trait all of us who were rescued by the American people from either the cauldron of unconditional war or the tyranny of oppression experienced first-hand and continue to see in many of our fellow citizens to this day.
The above actions are rooted in the freedoms Americans have enjoyed since 1776 and thus cannot be eliminated by any faction or party without precipitating a violent civil war they will lose.
That is why the current attempt to foist a one-party oligarchy on the United States will never succeed.