Folks, a lot of people don’t know this, but in addition to my teaching career, I also worked for the state for over 20 years. First at the Department of Transportation as their Director of Training, and the later for The State Emergency Management Agency.
When it comes to bureaucracy, I have seen it firsthand.
Over the years, I began to see how the system really works. Every four years we held state elections and a new administration would come in. Inevitably the new Governor would hand pick his appointees to become the directors of all the various state offices.
Very rarely did a Director from a previous administration survive.
As such, every four years, as state employees, we were faced with a new set of marching orders.
Some were good, but many were bad to the point of being ridiculous.
Eventually I found myself having to deal with some these new ideas coming from “on high”.
On one occasion, I was being told to implement a program being offered by a consultant, that I knew was simply a way to pay back a political favor. It made no sense and would cost a fortune.
This is where I had my enlightenment.
I took the problem to our Assistant Director and explained what was happening. His response was, “Sit on it”.
I said “What?”
He said, “Listen son, here is how things work in government. First, you never want to become Director. Always shoot for Assistant Director. Directors are replaced every 4 years because they are appointed by the Governor. Assistant Directors, however, are Merit System employees and it is almost impossible to fire them. They are the people who really run the government”.
You know what, He was right. Shortly thereafter our Director was replaced, and the problem went away. Yet, the Assistant Director remained in office for the next 20 years.
Just last week I was doing some research and ran across a fascinating article that really opened my eyes.
The article was by Marty Robinson, posted December 3, 2019 in a newsletter published by St. Paul Research.
I don’t know why I didn’t see this issue before, based on my past experiences.
I knew I just had to share it with you today.
Throughout history, both citizens and statesmen have discovered they are often ruled and governed from the shadows.
Not by those who sit upon the Throne, or in the House of Lords, or the Halls of Congress…
But instead by unelected leaders and powerful men hidden from public view whose names are never to be spoken aloud.
Sir William Pitt, the 1st Earl of Chatham may have said it best in a speech before the British House of Lords on March 2nd, 1770…
“There is something behind the throne greater than the King himself.” 1
Britain’s first prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli in his novel Coningsby stated:
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” 2
And former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, proponent of the Federal Reserve and the League of Nations, confessed in his book The New Freedom published in 1913…
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” 3
Our 35th President, John F. Kennedy, may have ultimately paid with his life for not just revealing those who ruled from the shadows, but by openly opposing them.
And today, our 45th President, Donald Trump, and the nation itself face a similar threat.
A threat from those who rule from the shadows…
Rulers far different from the personages imagined by the people…
Whose names are rarely, if ever spoken…
Who are protected by a now weaponized mainstream media…?
Who wield power far greater than the throne, or the Presidency itself…?
A power so feared, critics had better not speak of it above their breath…
Just as written about by Wilson, Disraeli and Pitt.
Is this not where we find ourselves and our nation today? The swamp we hear so much about.
On day one of Adam Schiff’s impeachment inquiry, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) had this to say in his opening comments:
“Though executive branch employees are charged with implementing the policies set by our president, who is elected and responsible to the American people, elements of the civil service have decided that they, not the president, are really in charge.” 4
Those “elements of the civil service” that Rep. Nunes is referring to, are the “SES.”
Members of The Senior Executive Service, the most powerful 3-letter agency in government you have never heard of.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it is so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
And it is not part of Homeland Security or FEMA… Although its tentacles reach deep into every one of those agencies.
The mainstream media rarely mentions it by name…
So, most Americans have no idea it even exists.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive actions by former President Barack Obama it has become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be a harmless executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
It was a purge of patriots and a takeover of government that began early on in his first term.
A purge that began by transforming an obscure federal agency hidden deep within the bowels of government, into what soon became a private, stay behind army.
An army of political operatives committed to two things:
The complete political, cultural and economic transformation of America as promised by Barack Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign.
And the overthrow of a Donald J. Trump presidency.
So how was the swamp/deep state we hear so much about, created?
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Their pay scale starts above the top level of civil service (GS-15), with base salaries ranging from a minimum of $127,914 to a maximum of $192,300.
Ostensibly, the SES was to be a corps of non-partisan, career managers who serve as the executive management of federal agencies…
Their job being to implement policy, not create it.
At least it was until then President Barack Obama changed that with a mere flick of his pen…
Making SES members nearly impossible to fire, once hired. He basically made them Merit Employees.
To say Obama’s transformation of the SES into an army of political operatives was effective would be a gross understatement.
There are more than 2 million federal government employees. And at the top of that pyramid are approximately 8,000 SES (Senior Executive Service) employees who serve as the professional managerial class linking our political leaders to the civil service rank and file.
And Barack Obama as president, replaced more than 6,000 members of the 8,000-member SES during his two terms, assembling what became a stay-behind army of political operatives…
It was a brilliant move. Bear in mind, we aren’t talking about the Directors. We are talking about the Assistant Directors, career federal emplyees.
So how pervasive is the SES?
Here is a list of the number of SES employees that were embedded in the following government agencies at the end of Obama’s 2nd term in 2016:
- Department of Education – 86
- Department of Housing & Urban Development – 115
- Department of the Air Force – 182
- Department of Labor – 200
- Department of State – 204
- Department of Transportation – 231
- Department of Interior – 258
- Department of the Army – 261
- Department of the Navy – 326
- Department of Veterans Affairs – 357
- Department of Agriculture – 361
- Department of Commerce – 425
- Department of the Treasury – 458
- Department of Health & Human Services – 468
- Department of Defense – 478
- Department of Energy – 490
- Department of Homeland Security – 639
- Department of Justice – 821
- All Other Agencies (all non-Cabinet level agencies) – 1,796
And it wasn’t just a purge of patriots from governmental agencies…
Obama’s purge of the military was especially damaging to our national security, as he literally gutted the command structure of the U.S. military.
Not to mention the demoralization of the ranks due to his policies of radical political correctness.
In all, Obama’s patriot purge included 9 Senior Commanding Generals, 2 Nuclear Commanders, 197 high ranking Senior, General and Flag Officers, along with thousands of non-commissioned officers…
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government they have become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
You see, the coup has already taken place.
It took place during the eight years of Barack Obama’s presidency…
When Obama purged our military, the State Department, the Department of Justice, the F.B.I., our intelligence agencies, and virtually every major government agency of patriots loyal to America and the U.S. Constitution he replaced them with career technocrats and bureaucrats who have been educated, groomed and prepared for the day when America would be “completely transformed,” and finally merged into a progressive-socialist state that would submit to global governance under the United Nations.
These are the people we should be concerned with. Not the big-name politicians.
This is a dream the progressive left has been working towards for nearly a hundred years, from their failure to implement the League of Nations, to their successful formation of The United Nations…
– James Warburg, Vice-Chairman Bank of Manhattan and FDR adviser. Feb. 17, 1950, appearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations stated:
“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
Do you remember Strobe Talbot, Asst. Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton? He stated in Time Magazine, July 20, 1991:
“In the next century, nations as we know them will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” 6
Today, over 74 years after the formation of the United Nations, the reality of a one-world, global government is now firmly within the grasp of the progressive left…
But, before we go any further, please understand this…
Barack Obama was not the architect of these changes, merely the frontman in charge of carrying them out as the Deep State and Shadow Government’s placeholder president.
And that was the root of President Trump’s problems.
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump was definitely an outsider who was not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?
The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…
Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt was all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
The government is indeed run by the deep state. So folks, there it is.
The SES. Something I had never heard of. Here we have been focusing on the politicians when, in reality, the true problem is the government itself.
Have we been focusing our attention on the wrong target?
If so, what can be done to fix the problem?