Is Socialism the answer?

Whether you like it or not, socialism is back in fashion and it is gaining support among America’s youth. A recent YouGov survey found that 43 percent of respondents under the age of 30 had a favorable view of socialism. Only 32 percent had a favorable view of capitalism. Another recent survey, this one by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, found in the words of U.S. News’s Ken Walsh that “[58] percent of young people choose socialism over capitalism [which was chosen by 33 percent of young people] … as the most compassionate system. Sixty-six percent say corporate America ‘embodies everything that is wrong with America,’ compared with 34 percent who say corporate America embodies what’s right with America. 28 percent say the most pressing issue facing the country is income inequality. Now folks, this scares me to death and I attribute most of this problem to the dismal job we are doing of teaching our children “true” history. On its face socialism sounds great. Everyone has a job, everyone has a place to live, everyone has food on the table, free healthcare, and a free education. Think about it. No poverty, no crime. Why would anyone be against such a system? This is the very program implemented under Lenin and Stalin. Here is how it works. The government seizes all private property and takes control of all means of production in the country. The government has complete control of the economy, sets all prices, and regulates all production. Now, we all know that the owners of American businesses are not going to voluntarily hand over their firms to the government. This is where socialism transitions into communism. If the people will not voluntarily give up their business and private property and agree to submit to complete government control, they must be forced to do so, for the betterment of the nation and all of its citizens. Here is the “true” history of how it worked. Once the government seized all assets of the propertied class they set about running all means of production. Government officials now took over the factories, the farms, the entire distribution network,….everything. Now we need workers. The government now tells us where we will work and what we will be doing. KB will be working in a shoe factory, I will be working on a farm, KB’s wife will be driving a truck, my wife will be working at a bakery. We have no choice. You will work where you are told to work. Now in exchange for this work, here comes the free stuff as promised. Each family is given a 2 room apartment in a high rise government housing unit. (You can still see these in the background when you see places like Moscow or Kiev on TV). Everyone gets the same unit. Heat is provided but no one has air. Your apartment is within a few blocks of the factory where you work. You walk to work like everyone else. You work a 12 hour shift. When you are done you head home. On the way you stop to stand in line at the local food distribution center. You stand in line for 2 hours and are given one pound of meat, 5 pounds of potatoes, an 2 loaves of bread. This is your weekly ration of food for you and your family. Don’t complain, you didn’t have to pay for it and it is the same as everyone gets. Again, socialism, where everyone is treated equally. What about clothes? Well, every 6 months, you and the family march down to the clothing distribution center and you are given a pair of pants, a shirt, socks, underwear, and a new pair of shoes. (your shoes are worn out, you walk everywhere). Again, what a great deal. All this stuff is free! So I have clothes on my back, food on the table, a roof over my head, and a steady job. All the things the government promised. So what is wrong? First, you have no choice as to what your job is. The government decides that. Did I mention pay? No one gets paid. Why do you need money? Everything you need is provided by the government. But I want a car. I want a cell phone. Sorry. If I give you one, then, to be fair, I have to give one to everyone. Just can’t afford to do that. Well that’s a crock. I will just leave. Oops!, there is another part of this I forgot to tell you about. You are required to carry ID papers on you at all times. These papers say who you are, where you work, where you can get your food and clothes, and where you live. You are confined to those areas. You cannot travel outside those areas without government permission. Fine, I will just stop working. Sorry it doesn’t work like that. You will show up to work on time, you will meet daily quotas. Failure to do so will result in cuts to your food rations, or worse, arrest and imprisonment. What is wrong with you? I thought you wanted to make everyone equal. Why are you not willing to do your fair share? I mean, let’s look at the system. I work on a government farm. Here , we grow wheat. When it comes time to harvest, we cut the wheat and load it onto government trucks driven by workers such as myself. The trucks then haul the wheat to government factories, manned by more workers like me, who process the wheat into flour. The flour is now hauled in government trucks to a bakery and is baked into bread by people just like me. The bread is then taken to a government warehouse, where it is now taken to the food distribution centers throughout the nation. See how it works? Everyone has a job, everyone gets food. The same system is set up for clothes, shoes, steel mills, coal fields, you name it. So you see, if you don’t do your part, the system collapses. The government must make sure that everyone is doing their fair share. Otherwise, we all suffer. But how do I get ahead? I don’t want to be a farmer, or a trucker, or a baker. Sorry, the government has decided that your place is here. I thought you wanted everyone to be equal. You are. You all have a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back. You no longer have to put up with watching your neighbor driving that fancy car, living in that nice house, or buying those designer clothes. He now has exactly the same as you! So there you have a brief idea of what a true utopian socialist society would be like. Now folks, the new darling of the Democratic Party and the liberal mainstream media is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and liberals across the land have wholeheartedly embraced her call for “Democratic Socialism.” Ignoring the fact that Bernie Sanders said essentially the exact same things in the last presidential campaign but was unceremoniously and dishonestly pushed aside by the Democratic Party in favor of Hillary Clinton, what exactly is this “democratic socialism” that seems to have everyone on that side of the fence so excited these days? What Social Democrats think is, it sounds good: income equality, a fair living wage for everyone, plentiful employment opportunities, quality healthcare coverage for all, affordable college education for all who want it, easy access to affordable, quality housing, and a tax system where the so-called rich pay their “fair share.” Implicit in the entire discussion of their prized new order is that everything about the American economy, way of life and culture that is to their liking would remain securely in place, unaffected by the transition to democratic socialism. That, of course, is ridiculous. The parts of daily American life that people like and take for granted — plentiful food available at well-stocked supermarkets, instant access to news, sports and music, the ability to make purchases and have them delivered the next day, cheap and plentiful fuel availability, a huge variety of nonessential consumer goods, from toys to fashion clothing to jewelry to cell phones to entertainment electronics and their associated services, and millions of other items — are all made possible by the capitalist/profit-oriented structure of our economic system. If the private business profit incentive is removed, as is the case in a socialist economy, the underlying competitive motivation for providing those goods and services disappears. The more “socialism” that is introduced into the economy, the less efficient that economy becomes, because lessened private competition results in fewer choices and no incentive to increase efficiency or reduce costs. Quality goes out the window. Why do a good job if everyone gets paid the same regardless of their work ethic? Proponents of democratic socialism never actually explain where the money needed to pay for all the freebees will actually come from. There is a limit to how much simply taxing the rich will produce. Taxes on services and sales transactions would need to be raised to a stifling degree, with an equally negative effect on economic activity. Europe’s supposed nirvana of universal healthcare is, in reality, a boondoggle of smoke and mirrors, where the average person has limited access to what we would consider routine medical care, at a level far lower than the average American could ever imagine. Currently in Italy, for example, hospital patients usually bring their own metal eating utensils and towels with them, since those are often not provided. Toilet paper is often scarce in the hospital as well. For childbirth, expectant mothers usually bring their own medicines, sanitary products and newborn diapers. Visitors are not asked to leave by 8:00 P.M. as is customary in U.S. hospitals. On the contrary, patients are advised to have a visitor stay overnight with them, because nurse staffing levels are far lower. Bedding is not provided for overnight visitors, however. Patients do have access to doctors and medical care via the national health system, but noncritical conditions and injuries receive lower priority and delayed attention. If a patient desires American-style “on-demand” care, they must simply pay for it out-of-pocket, an option not possible for all but the wealthiest citizens. Access to quality healthcare is simply not available to the average Italian. Did I mention that in Italy gasoline is taxed at $8.00/gallon? Let’s look at one other promise of democratic socialism: affordable college for anyone who wants it. Bear in mind, under Lenin and Stalin, the government decides your career. Do well in grade school and they may send you on to high school and even college, free of charge. Do poorly in grade school, you were marked to be nothing more than a factory worker or coal miner your entire life. Now even though the Left-wing establishment press has found a new Democratic darling in socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; to be honest, the party has been headed that way for years. The evidence can be found in the way states, controlled by the democratic party have been run into the ground, financially speaking. Several of them are facing massive debt thanks to mostly over-promised pensions approved by Democrats that have drained state bank accounts and are set to saddle taxpayers living in them with hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes. Connecticut may be the richest state in the country, on a per capita basis, but it’s racked up a sizable debt worth more than $53 billion – and it will be taxpayers who are forced to bail out the state government, according to the former governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels. And Connecticut isn’t the only state struggling with a debt crisis: California, Illinois, New Jersey and New York are unable to make pension payments to retired government workers. In Illinois, for instance, vendors wait months to be paid by a government that’s $30 billion in debt, and one whose bonds are just one notch above junk bond status, according to Daniels. New York’s more than $356 billion in debt; New Jersey more than $104 billion; and California more than $428 billion. That means Democrats still running those states will do what Democrats always do when they over-promise and overspend: Raise taxes. The problem now is there is not much chance of raising them enough to pay off what is owed because you can only tax people so much. The debt bombs are about to explode in liberal, Democrat-run states. If you’re in one of them, it’s time to start looking for a way out. Capitalism is far from perfect and not everyone benefits to the same degree — but it’s fundamentally superior to everything else. It’s like what Winston Churchill said about democracy: “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” Now here comes the scary part to all of this. History is repeating itself. Stalin came to power by using the electoral process established under Lenin. While Lenin courted the political elite in Russia, Stalin was quietly campaigning at the grass roots level throughout the country. By the time Lenin realized what Stalin was doing, it was too late. Stalin had control of the Russian Parliament known as the Duma. Adolph Hitler did the same thing. Rather than take control of Germany by force, Hitler launched a campaign aimed at the German workers holding massive rallies, and condemning the rich as exploiting the common man. Biding his time, through a series of elections, the Nazi party gained control of the German Parliament (The Reichstag). Once they were the majority party, they simply named Hitler as Chancellor. The Democratic Socialists are following the playbook. Forty-two democratic socialist-endorsed candidates who are now or will soon be serving in offices from the Moorhead, Minn., school board to Capitol Hill (that is, if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins the general election as handily as she did her primary in New York’s 14th Congressional District). So far this year, local chapters have endorsed at least 110 candidates. So what is DSA, exactly, and what is it doing with this growing army? DSA stands for Democratic Socialists of America. DSA’s electoral work has attracted national media attention. Yet it’s just one part of a bottom-up approach to politics that sees the ballot box and state power as tools for advancing toward a more radically democratic society. Just like Stalin and Hitler did. Members—most of them millennials, in small towns and big cities in every corner of the country—are engaged in everything from occupying Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices to evangelizing about Medicare for All. Many reporters have tried to determine what the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) believes, be that the group’s policies or its ideology. DSA, though—to borrow from Karl Marx—isn’t looking merely to interpret the world, but to change it, campaign by campaign, door by door. What’s made DSA’s ascendance remarkable is less its analysis of capitalism than its ability to put people angry about capitalism to work. Enter Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign and his stalwart identification as a “democratic socialist,” a surprise boon for an organization with those two words in its name. Democratic socialism itself has always been a multi meaning term, encompassing everyone from ideological Russian Socialists to New Deal Democrats. The surge of new, mostly 20-something members include anarchists, Marxist academics and—most numerously—political newbies excited about Sanders’ message and frustrated with the Democratic establishment. DSA isn’t keen to enforce a strict definition of “democratic socialism”—although mainstream media outlets newly hip to DSA are desperately looking for one. On its website, DSA writes: At the root of our socialism is a profound commitment to democracy, as a means and end. As we are unlikely to see an immediate end to capitalism tomorrow, DSA fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations and increase the power of working people. … Our vision is of a society in which people have a real voice in the choices and relationships that affect the entirety of our lives. We call this vision democratic socialism—a vision of a more free, democratic and humane society. Members have taken this to mean everything from taking public goods like healthcare off the private market (along the lines of Scandinavian social democracies) to worker-ownership of the means of production. Central Iowa DSA co-chair Caroline Schoonover was among many to say that democratic socialism means “taking power from the few and giving it to the many.” So there it is folks. Like I said, I am scared. History is repeating itself. I know the outcome and now, so do you. Why is it happening? People do not know their history. Why? Because our education system has failed to teach “True” history. I used to teach it and did so until the government, led by liberal progressives took control of our textbooks, schools and colleges. I have spoken out on this issue in the past and suffered the consequences, but I would do it again, because losing my country and the future of our children and grandchildren is a pain none of us should have to endure.