Are you tired of the five minute news clips presented every night by the talking heads on the national news? Would you like to know what is really going on? I have taught American and European History for the past 27 years. I find it fascinating how history truly does repeat itself. When we watch the evening news, no one seems to know anything about how current events are all tied to the past. Kavanaugh hearings? The Arab/Israeli conflict? How about international relations with Russia, China, and Europe?
I do a weekly call in radio show here in the Ozarks and address these issues on a weekly basis. Listeners have asked that I publish my notes from my weekly show, so I have launched this site to share that info. On my shows I give an historical perspective to what is currently happening in our world. I then open the phone lines to hear what you, the people of this great nation, have to say. It has been a great learning experience for me and my listeners.
Like most old timers, I am new to this blog thing, so you will have to bear with me while I learn how to post my notes and navigate the site. Should be fun!